When asked which approach they would prefer, close to two in three Canadians (64%) say they prefer increasing defence spending to reach the 2% NATO ally target, rather than maintaining the current 1.4% (21%) or spending less than 1.4% (eight per cent). Older Canadians (55 plus) are significantly more likely to prefer increasing spending to… Continue Reading About two in three Canadians prefer increasing our defence spending to reach the 2% NATO ally target (CTV/Nanos)
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Category: CTV
Canadians divided as to whether the new federal budget investment will allow Canada to compete with ...
Canadians are divided as to whether they are confident or not that that the new federal budget investment aimed at building environmentally friendly projects and businesses in Canada will allow Canada to compete with the United States for green economy investments, but intensity of lack of confidence is larger. Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame… Continue Reading Canadians divided as to whether the new federal budget investment will allow Canada to compete with the United States for green economy investments (CTV/Nanos)
A majority are concerned about the new federal budget increasing the country’s deficit to over 40 bi
A majority of Canadians are concerned (42%) or somewhat concerned (29%) about the new federal budget increasing the country’s deficit to over 40 billion dollars, which is 10 billion dollars more than estimated in last fall’s economic snapshot. Residents of the Prairies are most likely to report being concerned (54%), while those from Quebec are… Continue Reading A majority are concerned about the new federal budget increasing the country’s deficit to over 40 billion dollars; two in five say the new federal budget has done a poor/very poor job addressing the issues they and their families are worried about (CTV/Nanos)
Strong majority of Canadians agree that Canada-US relations are better or somewhat better now under ...
Two in three Canadians say the relations between Canada and the US are better or somewhat better now under President Biden than they were under Trump. Canadians from the Prairies are least likely to say they think the relations are better (25%) or somewhat better (27%). Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines)… Continue Reading Strong majority of Canadians agree that Canada-US relations are better or somewhat better now under Biden than they were under Trump (CTV/Nanos Research)
Most Canadians are concerned or somewhat concerned about Chinese interference in Canadian society; s...
Over nine in ten Canadians are concerned (59%) or somewhat concerned (32%) about China’s interference in Canadian society. Older Canadians (68% concerned, 27% somewhat concerned) show a higher intensity of concern than younger Canadians (43% concerned, 44% somewhat concerned). Nearly all Canadians agree that the organized Chinese-government effort to interfere in Canada’s election in 2021… Continue Reading Most Canadians are concerned or somewhat concerned about Chinese interference in Canadian society; seven in ten view it as a major threat to our democracy (CTV/Nanos)
About six in ten Canadians continue to be not comfortable or somewhat not comfortable with having mo...
Similar to 2021, Canadians are more likely to say they are not comfortable (38%) or somewhat not comfortable (18%) having more private health care options than comfortable (23%) or somewhat comfortable (19%). There was however an increase in intensity of those who are outright uncomfortable and a decrease in those outright comfortable. Nanos conducted an… Continue Reading About six in ten Canadians continue to be not comfortable or somewhat not comfortable with having more private health care options in Canada that allow people to pay more to have shorter wait times intensity of those who are outright not comfortable up (CTV/Nanos)
About six in ten Canadians who use public transit say they feel less safe or somewhat less safe whil...
About six in ten Canadians who report using public transit say they feel less safe (35%) or somewhat less safe (23%) while commuting now compared to a year ago. Ontarians are most likely to report feeling less safe (49%) or somewhat less safe (22%) compared to other provinces and regions. Women are also more likely… Continue Reading About six in ten Canadians who use public transit say they feel less safe or somewhat less safe while commuting now compared to a year ago (CTV/Nanos)
Canadians are four times more likely to say they will spend less rather than more this holiday seaso...
While nearly one in two Canadians (46%) say they will spend about the same amount this holiday season compared to last year, four in ten (43%) say they will spend less and one in ten say they will spend more (10%). One in two Canadians (50%) say they will socialize about the same this year… Continue Reading Canadians are four times more likely to say they will spend less rather than more this holiday season (CTV News/Nanos)
Canadians are split on their confidence in the ability of the police in Canada to handle another pro...
Canadians are divided on whether Canada is prepared for another protest like the Freedom Convoy Truckers protest, with one in two that say Canada is prepared or somewhat prepared, and just under one in two who say the opposite. Canadians are split on their confidence in the ability of the police in Canada to handle… Continue Reading Canadians are split on their confidence in the ability of the police in Canada to handle another protest like the Freedom Convoy Truckers protest (CTV News/Nanos)
Strong majority of Canadians say a recession is likely or somewhat likely in 2023 (CTV News/Nanos)
Nine in ten Canadians say it is likely or somewhat likely that Canada will have a recession in 2023. Under one in ten say it is not likely (one per cent) or somewhat not likely (seven per cent). Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) hybrid telephone and online random survey of 1025… Continue Reading Strong majority of Canadians say a recession is likely or somewhat likely in 2023 (CTV News/Nanos)