Recent Reports
Consumer confidence positively steady (Bloomberg/Nanos)
Weekly tracking on consumer confidence suggests that perceptions remain in positive territory and stable. -Nik Nanos, Chief Data Scientist Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) telephone random survey of 1,032 respondents in Canada. This report is based on the four waves of tracking ending July 26th, 2024.…
A quarter of Canadians say none of the potential Liberal leader candidates appeal to them – Chrystia Freeland’s appeal score drops (CTV PowerPlay/Nanos)
Nanos research was retained by CTV News to conduct research among Canadians to gauge their preferences for the potential candidates most appealing as the leader of the Liberal Party of Canada. Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) hybrid telephone and online random survey of 1018 Canadians, 18…
Worry about inflation pulling away as top national concern – Conservatives lead by 15 (Nanos)
Nanos tracks unprompted issues of concern every week. To access full weekly national and regional tracking visit the Nanos subscriber data portal. Concern about inflation is the top unprompted national issue of concern and is up four percentage points in the past four weeks. Poilievre Conservatives have a 15 point…
Consumer confidence steadily in positive territory (Bloomberg/Nanos)
Canadian consumer confidence continues to track in marginally positive territory. Although people are more likely to have negative rather than positive views about their personal finances and the future strength of the economy, sentiment on job security and real estate remains positive. -Nik Nanos, Chief Data Scientist Nanos conducted an…
Feelings of pessimism towards the federal government hit new high –Satisfaction reaches new all-time low (Nanos)
Nanos conducted a survey on Canadians views of the federal government. Pessimism and anger remain the top emotions Canadians say best describe their views of the federal government in Ottawa. Feelings of pessimism toward the federal government has increased by nine percentage points since the last wave in March 2024.…
Conservatives lead Liberals by 17 points (Nanos)
Nanos tracks unprompted issues of concern every week. To access full weekly national and regional tracking visit the Nanos subscriber data portal. The Poilievre Conservatives currently enjoy a 17-point advantage in ballot box support over the Trudeau Liberals. Canadians are most likely to be concerned about inflation, the cost of…
People are three times more likely to say their personal finances are worse rather than better compared to a year ago (Bloomberg/Nanos)
Canadians are three time more likely to have a negative rather than a positive view on their personal finances compared to a year ago. This is in the context of a marginally positive overall consumer confidence score driven by views on the value of real estate. -Nik Nanos, Chief Data…
Canadians are divided on how to fund NATO defense spending target (Bloomberg/Nanos)
Canadians are divided on how to fund NATO defense spending target with 26% who think that the Government should not increase the budget for defense, 22% who think the Government should cut spending on Social programs and 13% are unsure. Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) hybrid…
Canadians give top scores to the UK and Germany as positive partners (Nanos)
Nanos conducted a survey on the views of Canadians on Canada’s trade relationships with other partner countries. Questions included Canadians’ views on cooperation with Europe, and their opinion of NATO overall. Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) hybrid telephone and online random survey of 1,043 Canadians, 18…
Understanding consumer awareness and satisfaction with the Commission for Complaints for Telecom-television Services (CCTS/Nanos)
Established in 2007 by several telecommunications service providers, the Commission for Complaints for Telecom-television Services (CCTS) is an independent telecommunications consumer agency. Its mandate and structure were approved by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC). The mandate of the CCTS is to resolve and report on consumer complaints regarding…
Higher interest rates negatively impact spending for majority of Canadians; Poilievre most trusted to support economic growth (Bloomberg/Nanos)
More than two in three respondents say that higher interest rates have impacted their personal spending somewhat negatively (26%) or negatively (37%), consistent with the previous wave (28%somewhat negatively ; negatively 36%). Older Canadians aged 55 plus are more less likely to say the higher rates affected their spending negatively…
Conservatives lead by 15 points – Concern about housing on the upswing (Nanos)
Nanos tracks unprompted issues of concern every week. To access full weekly national and regional tracking visit the Nanos subscriber data portal. Conservatives currently enjoy a 15-point advantage over the Liberals in the ballot tracking. Poilievre has a 14-point lead over Trudeau as the preferred Prime Minister. In the weekly…
Consumer confidence lower than four weeks ago and remains in marginally positive territory (Bloomberg/Nanos)
Canadian consumer confidence continues to trend in marginally positive territory. Of note there has been some downward pressure on perceptions related to the future value of real estate and the future strength of the Canadian economy in terms of the numeric values. -Nik Nanos, Chief Data Scientist Nanos conducted an…
Nearly seven in ten Canadians want the public release of names of MPs accused of foreign interference and for them to publicly explain their actions – Majority want MPs found guilty of foreign interference criminally charged and jailed (Globe and Mail/Nanos)
Canadians are over twice as likely to prefer that the names of MPs who have been found to be “semi-witting or witting” participants in supporting foreign states interfering in Canadian political life be publicly released (68%) and they should have to publicly explain their actions, over them having the opportunity…
Canadians are two and a half times more likely to prefer someone other than Justin Trudeau lead the Liberals in the next election (CTV/Nanos)
Nanos Research was retained by CTV News to conduct research among Canadians to gauge their preferences for the leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, as well as the best ways for the Liberals to increase their chances of winning the next federal election. Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame…
People in Ontario and Quebec more sensitive to potential theft when purchasing a vehicle compared to people from other regions (CTV/Nanos)
Nanos research was retained by CTV News to conduct research among Canadians to gauge the level of importance in knowing vehicles that are prone to theft when deciding on which vehicle to purchase. Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) hybrid telephone and online random survey of 1018…
2023-2024 Credential and Authentication Qualitative Research Program (CRA)
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) commissioned Nanos research to conduct a qualitative public opinion research (POR) to explore Canadians’ perceptions surrounding the CRA’s online portals and other service interactions. The purpose of the research was to assess the perceptions and experiences of members of the general population, decision-makers of small…
Inflation and cost of housing top national issues of concern > Conservatives continue with double digit lead over Liberals (Nanos)
Nanos tracks unprompted issues of concern every week. To access full weekly national and regional tracking visit the Nanos subscriber data portal. Canadians continue to be focused on economic issues such as inflation, the cost of housing and jobs/the economy. Conservatives have a double-digit lead over the Liberals. – Nik…
Consumer confidence tracking in positive territory (Bloomberg/Nanos)
Since January 2024, Canadian consumer confidence has consistently tracked in positive territory but just marginally above a score of 50 points on the 100 point diffusion scale that makes up the Bloomberg Nanos Canadian Confidence Index. -Nik Nanos, Chief Data Scientist Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines)…
Canadians have diverse views on electrifying more of their energy needs; those electrifying or planning to electrify on the decline since 2023 (Positive Energy/Nanos).
When asked to think of their energy needs and the actions they are taking to transition more of the energy they use to electricity and away from things like gasoline, most Canadians say they are not interested in transitioning (32% compared to 26% in 2023), closely followed by those who…