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Canadians are more than three times more likely to oppose or somewhat oppose than to support or some...

Just over two in three Canadians say they oppose (41%) or somewhat oppose (27%) writing off the $15-20 billion of Trans Mountain’s debt owed back to Canadians in order to keep the expansion project afloat. Residents of Quebec are more likely to oppose/somewhat oppose this (76%) than residents of the Prairies (61%). Nanos conducted an… Continue Reading Canadians are more than three times more likely to oppose or somewhat oppose than to support or somewhat support writing off Trans Mountain debt (West Coast Environmental Law/Nanos)

Confidence dips into negative territory for first time since April (Bloomberg/Nanos)

Canadian consumer confidence has dipped below 50 points, and into negative territory, for the first time in over six months. Of note, positive views on the future value of real estate have softened over the period. -Nik Nanos, Chief Data Scientist Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) telephone random survey of 1,105… Continue Reading Confidence dips into negative territory for first time since April (Bloomberg/Nanos)

Nine in ten Canadians say the work of radiologists in our healthcare system is valuable – with perce

The perceived value of the work radiologists do in our healthcare system continues to rise with just over nine in ten Canadians who say their work is valuable (92%) compared to about eight in ten in 2022 (83%) and 2018 (81%). Another six per cent say their work is somewhat valuable, while less than one… Continue Reading Nine in ten Canadians say the work of radiologists in our healthcare system is valuable – with perceptions of value steadily rising since 2018 (Canadian Association of Radiologists/Nanos)

Eight in ten Canadians support or somewhat support seizing the Canadian assets of both Russian and I...

A strong majority of Canadians support or somewhat support Canada seizing the Canadian assets of the Russian government to help victims of the war against Ukraine and assets of the Iranian government to help victim of human rights violations in Iran. Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) hybrid telephone and online random… Continue Reading Eight in ten Canadians support or somewhat support seizing the Canadian assets of both Russian and Iranian governments to help victims whose human rights they have violated (Senator Dasko and Senator Omidvar/Nanos)

About six in ten Canadians say pessimism and anger best describe how they feel about the federal gov...

Overall, pessimism and anger continue to be the top emotions Canadians say best describe their views of the federal government in Ottawa, with pessimism trending up since March of 2023 and optimism trending down. Feelings of pessimism and anger continue to be noticeably on the rise in Atlantic and in Quebec. Nanos conducted an RDD… Continue Reading About six in ten Canadians say pessimism and anger best describe how they feel about the federal government in Ottawa –Tracking Study (Nanos)

Conservative leader Poilievre hits preferred Prime Minister score not seen since Harper was PM. (Na...

Nanos tracks unprompted issues of concern every week. To access full weekly national and regional tracking visit the Nanos subscriber data portal. Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre continues to track positively opening up a significant advantage over Trudeau and hitting a level not since since Conservative Stephen Harper was PM. – Nik Nanos The Weekly Nanos… Continue Reading Conservative leader Poilievre hits preferred Prime Minister score not seen since Harper was PM. (Nanos)

Consumer confidence flat –People three times more likely to report they are worse than better off co

As consumer confidence hits a neutral sentiment score of 50 on the 100-point diffusion index, Canadians are three times more likely to report their personal finances are worse rather than better off compared to a year ago. -Nik Nanos, Chief Data Scientist Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) telephone random survey of… Continue Reading Consumer confidence flat –People three times more likely to report they are worse than better off compared to a year ago (Bloomberg/Nanos)

Views of Canadians on Canada’s energy future. (University of Ottawa’s Positive Energy/Nanos)

Importance of oil & gas to Canada’s current economy on upward trajectory, importance to its future economy holds steady Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land-and cell-lines) hybrid telephone and online random survey of 1,081 Canadians, 18 years of age or older, between July 30thand August 2nd, 2023as part of an omnibus survey. The margin… Continue Reading Views of Canadians on Canada’s energy future. (University of Ottawa’s Positive Energy/Nanos)

Community Voices 2023: What Matters to London and St. Thomas Residents (LSTAR/OREA/Nanos)

Majority of London and St. Thomas residents support converting vacant commercial or office buildings in downtown into rental housing. Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) random telephone survey of 411 residents of the City of London and 306 residents of the City of St. Thomas, 18 years of age or older, between… Continue Reading Community Voices 2023: What Matters to London and St. Thomas Residents (LSTAR/OREA/Nanos)

Most Canadians lack confidence that housing in Canada will be more affordable in 5 years; NDP and Co...

More than eight in ten Canadians say they are not confident (57%) or somewhat not confident (24%) that in five years housing in Canada will be more affordable than it is today, while under one in five are somewhat confident (14%) or confident (two per cent). Canadians trust the NDP (26%) or the Conservatives (25%)… Continue Reading Most Canadians lack confidence that housing in Canada will be more affordable in 5 years; NDP and Conservatives more trusted than Liberals on affordable housing (Globe/Nanos)