Content and products offered are most important part of relationship culture-goers have with arts and culture organizations – personal or cultural connection is most likely to influence attendance (Business / Arts/NAC/Nanos)

Content and products offered are most important part of relationship culture-goers have with arts and culture organizations – personal or cultural connection is most likely to influence attendance (Business / Arts/NAC/Nanos)

May 23, 2024

Asked to rank the most important parts of the relationship they might have with an arts or cultural organization, culture-goers most frequently rank first the content/products they offer (32%). This was followed by them being essential to their life and/or community (15%) and consistent quality of offerings (14%). Just under…

Majority support or somewhat support building natural gas and hydrogen export facilities (MLI/C.D. Howe Institute/Nanos Research)

Majority support or somewhat support building natural gas and hydrogen export facilities (MLI/C.D. Howe Institute/Nanos Research)

May 2, 2024

A majority of Canadians support (29%) or somewhat support (36%) building Canada’s first natural gas export facilities or building new export facilities so Canada can export low carbon hydrogen to other countries (28% support; 41% somewhat support). Nanos conducted an online non-probability representative survey of 1,237 Canadians, 18 years of…

Majority of Canadians strongly agree or agree that ocean health is important to them, that action is needed to support it, and are willing to make lifestyle changes to help protect it. (COLC/Nanos)

Majority of Canadians strongly agree or agree that ocean health is important to them, that action is needed to support it, and are willing to make lifestyle changes to help protect it. (COLC/Nanos)

May 1, 2024

Nearly nine in ten Canadians strongly agree (44%) or agree (45%) that ocean health is important for them. More than eight in ten Canadians strongly agree (43%) or agree (39%) that action is needed to support ocean health, with women more likely to say so (49% strongly agree; 38% agree)…

Jobs/the economy top issue, deficit concern on rise in post budget period – Conservatives lead Liberals by 20 points (Nanos)

Jobs/the economy top issue, deficit concern on rise in post budget period – Conservatives lead Liberals by 20 points (Nanos)

Apr 30, 2024

Nanos tracks unprompted issues of concern every week. To access full weekly national and regional tracking visit the Nanos subscriber data portal. Conservative currently have a 16 point advantage over the Liberals. Likewise, Poilievre leads Trudeau by 14 points on preferred PM tracking as Canadians are focused on jobs/the economy…