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Appetite for tariff retaliation increases since December. (CTV/Globe and Mail/Nanos)

The objective of the research was to gauge the views of Canadians on trade negotiations with the United-States, the job done by Canada to prepare for trade and tariff discussions with the U.S., Canada’s response to the president of the U.S. imposing tariffs on Canadian goods and opinion on Canada’s position to fight a tariff… Continue Reading Appetite for tariff retaliation increases since December. (CTV/Globe and Mail/Nanos)

Canadians support export tax on oil and tariffs on US imports in response to US tariffs (Bloomberg/N...

Just over four in five Canadians (82%) support or somewhat support Canada putting an export tax on the oil it exports to the US to raise the price for American consumers and industry if President Donald Trump puts tariffs on Canadian goods but exempts oil while over one in ten (14%) oppose or somewhat oppose… Continue Reading Canadians support export tax on oil and tariffs on US imports in response to US tariffs (Bloomberg/Nanos)

Trudeau closes gap with Poilievre as the best leader to negotiate with Trump (Bloomberg News/Nanos)

The research gauged opinions of Canadians on which federal party leader would do the best job at negotiating with Trump. Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) hybrid telephone and online random survey of 1,084 Canadians, 18 years of age or older, between November 30th to December 4th, 2024 as part of an… Continue Reading Trudeau closes gap with Poilievre as the best leader to negotiate with Trump (Bloomberg News/Nanos)

Two thirds of Canadians say a tariff on Canadian exports into the US would negatively impact their l...

The objective of the research was to gauge the views of Canadians on preferences on trade negotiations with the United-States, response to U.S. imposing tariffs and the impact on likelihood to purchase US-made goods. Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) hybrid telephone and online random survey of 1084 Canadians, 18 years of… Continue Reading Two thirds of Canadians say a tariff on Canadian exports into the US would negatively impact their likelihood to purchase US-made goods (CTV/Nanos)

Greece as a safe place to visit takes over Greece as a vacation destination as the top driver of ove...

Nanos is a Canadian-based research firm which gathers world-class intelligence in Canada, the United States and Europe. Since 2015, the team has been monitoring and tracking the Hellenic brand in the US and Canada.  The purpose of the initiative is to support the Republic and its important work advancing the reputation of Greece as a… Continue Reading Greece as a safe place to visit takes over Greece as a vacation destination as the top driver of overall favourability for Americans. (Nanos)

Favourable score of Greece hits 12-year high in wake of Prime Minister Mitsotakis’ visit to Canada.

Nanos is a Canadian-based research firm which gathers world-class intelligence in Canada, the United States and Europe. Since 2015, the team has been monitoring and tracking the Hellenic brand in the US and Canada.  The purpose of the initiative is to support the Republic and its important work advancing the reputation of Greece as a… Continue Reading Favourable score of Greece hits 12-year high in wake of Prime Minister Mitsotakis’ visit to Canada. (Nanos)

Canadians say costs to evacuate Canadian citizens from Lebanon should be paid by the individuals the...

Canadians are split on their preference for assigning the financial responsibility of evacuating Canadian citizens currently in Lebanon between the individuals and the Canadian government (37%) or the individuals themselves (36%). Younger Canadians (18-34) (36%) are more likely than older Canadians (55 plus)(14%) to say the Canadian government should be entirely responsible, while older Canadians… Continue Reading Canadians say costs to evacuate Canadian citizens from Lebanon should be paid by the individuals themselves or shared with the government. (CTV News/Nanos)

Trudeau marginally more trusted than Poilievre to deal with the outcome of the upcoming US President...

Canadians are marginally more likely to trust Justin Trudeau than Pierre Poilievre to deal with the outcome of the upcoming US presidential election. Women are more likely to trust Justin Trudeau (45%) than men (31%). Residents of the Prairies are more likely to trust Pierre Poilievre (44%) than the national average (31%). Nanos conducted an… Continue Reading Trudeau marginally more trusted than Poilievre to deal with the outcome of the upcoming US Presidential election. (CTV News/Nanos)