Canadians are marginally more likely to say they are not concerned or somewhat not concerned rather than concerned or somewhat concerned about the United States increasing security measures at the Canada-US border for Canadians wishing to visit the US. Women and older Canadians (55 plus)(51% each) are more likely to report being concerned or somewhat… Continue Reading Women and older Canadians more likely to report concern about the US increasing security measures at the border (CTV/Nanos)
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Category: CTV
Three in four Canadians think that relations between Canada and the US will worsen if Donald Trump i...
Three in 4 Canadians think relations between Canada and the US will be worse or somewhat worse if Donald Trump is elected to replace US President Joe Biden in the next US elections. Canadians aged 55 and plus are more likely to think they will be worse (62%) or somewhat worse (20%) than Canadians aged… Continue Reading Three in four Canadians think that relations between Canada and the US will worsen if Donald Trump is elected to replace US President Joe Biden in the next US elections. (CTV/Nanos)
Canadians are more likely to want the next federal election to take place now or in 2024 than to wai...
Close to one in two Canadians would prefer the next federal election take place as soon as possible (29%) or in 2024 (17%), while one in three would prefer 2025 (33%) and 17 per cent have no preference. Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land-and cell-lines) hybrid telephone and online random survey of 1,069 Canadians,… Continue Reading Canadians are more likely to want the next federal election to take place now or in 2024 than to wait until 2025 (CTV News/Nanos)
Half of Canadians with a mortgage are concerned or somewhat concerned about making payments when the...
1 in 2 Canadians with a mortgage say they are concerned (24%) or somewhat concerned (28%) about their ability to make their mortgage payments when their mortgage renews. Younger Canadians (18 to 34) are more likely to be concerned (29%) or somewhat concerned (34%) about this than those 55 plus (16% concerned; 20% somewhat concerned),… Continue Reading Half of Canadians with a mortgage are concerned or somewhat concerned about making payments when their mortgage renews (CTV/Nanos)
Noticeable rise in Canadians who want to accept fewer immigrants compared to 2020 – now a clear majo
An increasing proportion of Canadians want Canada to accept fewer immigrants in 2024 compared to 2023 (61%; an eight-percentage point increase from September 2023), while the proportion who want to accept more immigrants continues to decline (five per cent; 17% in 2020). Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) hybrid telephone and online… Continue Reading Noticeable rise in Canadians who want to accept fewer immigrants compared to 2020 – now a clear majority opinion (CTV/Nanos)
Rising cost of living remains the top issue Canadians want the House of Commons to prioritize in 202...
Nanos was retained by CTV News to conduct research among Canadians to gauge their views on the top priority for the House of Commons in 2024. Rising cost of living remains the top issue Canadians want the House of Commons to prioritize in 2024. Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) hybrid telephone… Continue Reading Rising cost of living remains the top issue Canadians want the House of Commons to prioritize in 2024 (CTV/Nanos)
Canadians more likely to think carbon tax is ineffective rather than effective at combatting climate...
Close to half of Canadians say the carbon tax is ineffective at combatting climate change (46%, down from 53%in July), while 21 per cent say this is effective, which is a six percentage point increase from July. Close to one in four (23%) say this has been neither effective nor ineffective. Residents of Quebec give… Continue Reading Canadians more likely to think carbon tax is ineffective rather than effective at combatting climate change or encouraging people to use less fuel (CTV/Nanos)
Canadians think conflict in Middle East and Ukraine War should have equal importance as a priority f...
Nanos was retained by CTV News to conduct research among Canadians to gauge their views on government priorities, more specifically on the importance of the war in Ukraine and the conflict in the Middle-East. Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land-and cell-lines) hybrid telephone and online random survey of 1,071 Canadians, 18 years of age… Continue Reading Canadians think conflict in Middle East and Ukraine War should have equal importance as a priority for Canada (CTV/Nanos)
Many Canadians have concerns about the Israel-Hamas conflict spreading and an increase in hate crime...
A strong majority of Canadians are concerned or somewhat concerned about the conflict between Israel and Hamas spreading to other Middle Eastern countries or spreading to countries outside the Middle East, as well as an increase in hate motivated incidents in their community. Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land-and cell-lines) hybrid telephone and online… Continue Reading Many Canadians have concerns about the Israel-Hamas conflict spreading and an increase in hate crime incidents in their communities (CTV/Nanos)
Canadians most likely to believe Canada is providing about the right amount of financial support to ...
Just over 2 in 5 Canadians say they believe Canada is providing about the right amount of financial support to Ukraine. About one third believe Canada is providing too much financial support and one in five say they are not providing enough financial support. Younger Canadians (18-34, 44%) are more likely than older Canadians (55… Continue Reading Canadians most likely to believe Canada is providing about the right amount of financial support to Ukraine – Younger Canadians more likely to believe we are providing too much (CTV/News)