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Conservatives lead Liberals by 17 points – Liberal and NDP support within the margin of error for th

Nanos tracks unprompted issues of concern every week. To access full weekly national and regional tracking visit the Nanos subscriber data portal. As Canadians continue to be concerned about economic issues, the Conservatives have opened up a 17 point advantage over the Liberals. The gap between the Liberals and the NDP is within the margin… Continue Reading Conservatives lead Liberals by 17 points – Liberal and NDP support within the margin of error for the Nanos tracking (Nanos)

Consumer confidence remains in marginally positive territory (Bloomberg/Nanos).

Canadian consumer confidence continues to remain in positive territory with a score above 50 on the Bloomberg Nanos Index.  Of note, job security numbers have shown some positive upward movement. -Nik Nanos, Chief Data Scientist Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) telephone random survey of 1,032 respondents in Canada. This report is… Continue Reading Consumer confidence remains in marginally positive territory (Bloomberg/Nanos).

Greece as a safe place to visit and a NATO ally have the largest gains in favourability among Canadi...

Overall favourability of Greece remains consistent with recent waves, with over one in four saying they have a favourable impression of Greece (27%), which remains significantly higher than in 2020 (18%). Canadians continue to give the highest favourability scores to Greece as a place of interesting history (mean of 9.0) and Greece as a place… Continue Reading Greece as a safe place to visit and a NATO ally have the largest gains in favourability among Canadians over the last 10 years. (Nanos)

Greece as a NATO ally to the US and as a safe place to visit have the highest increase in favourabil...

Consistent with previous waves, Americans give the highest favourability scores to Greece as a place of interesting history (mean of 8.7) and Greece as a place of natural beauty (mean of 8.5). The biggest gains since 2013 are in favourability (score 8-10 out of 10) of Greece as a safe place to visit (42%, from… Continue Reading Greece as a NATO ally to the US and as a safe place to visit have the highest increase in favourability among Americans since 2013. (Nanos)

Trump negotiator: Canadians believe Poilievre a better negotiator than Trudeau – both leaders tied i

Over 1 in 3 Canadians say that Pierre Poilievre would do the best job of negotiating with Trump, compared to just over 1 in 4 Canadians say Justin Trudeau would do a better job. Women more likely to say Justin Trudeau (women 36%; men 20%) and men more likely to say Pierre Poilievre (51% men;… Continue Reading Trump negotiator: Canadians believe Poilievre a better negotiator than Trudeau – both leaders tied in advocating for Canadian interests (Bloomberg/Nanos)

Poilievre hits 10 year high for a Conservative leader on preferred PM tracking (Nanos)

Nanos tracks unprompted issues of concern every week. To access full weekly national and regional tracking visit the Nanos subscriber data portal. Poilievre enjoys a 15 point advantage over Trudeau on the preferred Prime Minister tracking and has set a new 10 year record for a Conservative leader. – Nik Nanos The Weekly Nanos Tracking… Continue Reading Poilievre hits 10 year high for a Conservative leader on preferred PM tracking (Nanos)

Forward looking expectations hits highest level since May 2022. (Bloomberg/Nanos)

Canadian consumer confidence is starting to trend in a positive direction.  Of note, the Expectations Sub-indice which projects into the future has hit the highest levels not seen since May 2022.  Based on the past track record of the index as a leading indicator, this suggests a likely GDP lift in the latter part of… Continue Reading Forward looking expectations hits highest level since May 2022. (Bloomberg/Nanos)

Canadians over fives times more likely to prefer Joe Biden over Donald Trump for positive Canada-US ...

Canadians are over five times more likely to prefer Joe Biden (70%) over Donald Trump (13%) when it comes to having a positive relationship between Canada and the US. Over one in ten (14%) say there would be no difference between the two US Presidential candidates. Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines)… Continue Reading Canadians over fives times more likely to prefer Joe Biden over Donald Trump for positive Canada-US relationship (Globe and Mail/Nanos)

Canadians say a new Liberal leader focused on economic issues will help raise chances to win next el...

Asked which way would be best to increase the Liberal’s chances of winning the next federal election, Canadians most frequently say having someone other than Justin Trudeau lead the party in the next election (39%). This was followed by focusing on more economic issues (25%). One in five believe nothing with increase their chances of… Continue Reading Canadians say a new Liberal leader focused on economic issues will help raise chances to win next election – Poilievre marginally scores better than Trudeau on performance (Globe and Mail/Nanos)

Majority who favour the use of the Emergencies Act remains same compared to 2022 – Most disagree wit

Since the last wave, a majority of Canadians continue to support or somewhat support the Government of Canada for using the Emergencies Act in response to the Freedom Convoy Protest. Canadians aged 55 and plus (71%) were more likely to support or somewhat support the use of the Emergencies act than Canadians aged 18 to… Continue Reading Majority who favour the use of the Emergencies Act remains same compared to 2022 – Most disagree with financial compensation for protestors (CTV/Nanos)