Recent Reports
Pessimism grows among Canadians concerning the direction of the country on economic issues (Coalition for a better future/Nanos)
A growing proportion of Canadians say Canada is moving in the wrong direction when it comes to a variety of different economic issues such as having strong economic growth (49%, 12 point increase up from 37% in 2023) and making sure Canadians have a high standard of living (56%, up…
Federal Conservatives have 15 point ballot advantage over Liberals (Nanos)
Nanos tracks unprompted issues of concern every week. To access full weekly national and regional tracking visit the Nanos subscriber data portal. Canadians continue to be focused on concerns such as inflation, housing and jobs. Conservatives have 15 point advantage over the Liberals in ballot support. – Nik Nanos The…
Forward looking expectations hits a two-year high (Bloomberg/Nanos).
The forward-looking Bloomberg Nanos Expectations sub-indice has been trending upward for four months in succession. Based on past performance, and the predictive track record of the Nanos data, this suggest an economic lift in the latter part of 2024. -Nik Nanos, Chief Data Scientist Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame…
Canadians are more likely to think that Trump rather than Biden will win the upcoming election – Majority hope Biden wins (Globe and Mail/Nanos)
Canadians are more likely to think that Trump rather than Biden will win the upcoming election – Majority hope Biden wins. Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) hybrid telephone and online random survey of 1,071 Canadians, 18 years of age or older, between February 28th and March…
A majority of Canadians believe in the importance of oil and gas to Canada’s current and future economy and score governments poorly on their energy and climate performance (Positive Energy/Nanos).
About three in four Canadians rate oil and gas as important to Canada’s current economy (score of 7-10 out of 10) (74%) which is a slight decline from the previous wave in August 2023 (78% in August 2023) and consistent with last year’s results in January 2023 (74% in January…
Worry about housing on the decline compared to November 2023 – People still pessimistic about standing of living for future generations
Just under three in ten Canadians are worried or somewhat worried about paying for housing costs next month (29%), decreasing from the wave in November, but consistent with previous waves in 2023 and 2022. Younger Canadians aged 18 to 34 (33%) and 35 to 54 (38%) are more likely to…
Almost two in three prefer spending restraint over increasing spending or continuing as planned (Bloomberg/Nanos)
Under 2 in 3 Canadians say the federal government should either reduce spending and pay down debt or reduce spending and cut taxes. One in four say the government should continue as planned, while less than one in ten say the government should increase spending, funded either by more borrowing…
Government spending and budget deficit most blamed for rise in cost of living, with increasing blame on businesses since tracking started (Bloomberg/Nanos)
While an increasing proportion of Canadians blame businesses increasing their prices (26%, up from 13% in 2022), Canadians still blame most often the Government of Canada’s spending and budget deficit policies for the sharp rise in prices and cost of living over the past year. Of note, blame on the…
Liberal brand hits 10 year low in Nanos Power Index (Nanos)
Nanos tracks unprompted issues of concern every week. To access full weekly national and regional tracking visit the Nanos subscriber data portal. The federal Liberals brand strength as measured by the Nanos Power Index has hit a 10 year low (41.2 points) and is weaker than the Conservatives (54.0) and…
Forward looking Expectations Index hits 21 month high. (Bloomberg/Nanos)
The Bloomberg Nanos Expectations sub-indice which projects future confidence has hit a notable 21 month high. Historically this is a six-month leading indicator of measures such as Canada’s GDP. -Nik Nanos, Chief Data Scientist Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) telephone random survey of 1,058 respondents in…
Canadians split on Liberal-NDP arrangement – Intensity of those uncomfortable with arrangement on rise. (CTV/Nanos)
While the proportion of Canadians who are comfortable or somewhat comfortable with the Liberal-NDP Parliamentary cooperation agreement is steady at just over one in two, the proportion who report being uncomfortable continues to increase. Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) hybrid telephone and online random survey of…
Majority uncomfortable/somewhat uncomfortable with schools not notifying parents when their child wants to go by a new preferred name or pronoun.
Canadians are nearly twice as likely to report being not comfortable (53%) or somewhat not comfortable (11%) with schools not notifying parents when their child wants to go by a new preferred name or pronoun than to report being comfortable (21%) or somewhat comfortable (12%) with this. Nanos conducted an…
Poilievre hits new 10 year high on preferred Prime Minister tracking compared to any previous Conservative leader (Nanos)
Nanos tracks unprompted issues of concern every week. To access full weekly national and regional tracking visit the Nanos subscriber data portal. Pierre Poilievre is the top choice as prime minister and hit a level not reached by any Conservative leader since 2013. Conservatives remain in vote intention drivers seat.…
About half of Canadians see a need in taking training – Computer and occupational training most popular (Senator Bellemare)
Just under one in two Canadians are either interested in taking training (29%), interested but do not have time (7%) or interested but cannot afford it (13%), while just under one in two say they have all the training they need (28%) or do not want training (17%). Younger Canadians…
Consumer confidence in Prairies reaches 20 month high. (Bloomberg/Nanos)
Overall Canadian consumer confidence remains in marginally positive territory with a score of 52.46 on the 100-point Bloomberg-Nanos Index. Of note, positive perceptions in the Prairie provinces have reached a 20-month high. -Nik Nanos, Chief Data Scientist Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) telephone random survey of…
Culture-goers feel joy, comfort and excitement when thinking of attending art and cultural events – Expected spending in 2024 is now a net positive of +10 after a net negative of -6 in 2022 (Business / Arts/NAC/Nanos Research
The Arts Response Tracking Study is a regular monitor of the environment in the arts and culture sector. The study focuses on culture-goers who have attended an indoor cultural gathering, an outdoor cultural gathering or a gallery or museum in the past three years. This wave of research gauged the…
Conservatives ahead by 17 points – Gap between Liberals and NDP closing (Nanos)
Nanos tracks unprompted issues of concern every week. To access full weekly national and regional tracking visit the Nanos subscriber data portal. The federal Conservatives remain in the drivers’ seat with a clear advantage over the Liberals who are now within the margin of error with the NDP in ballot…
Forward looking expectations hit one year high. (Bloomberg/Nanos)
Canadian consumer confidence remains in positive territory for the tenth week in succession with forward looking expectations hitting a level not seen in over a year. -Nik Nanos, Chief Data Scientist Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) telephone random survey of 1,044 respondents in Canada. This report…
Canadians prefer cutting back on permanent immigrants over students or temporary foreign workers if government wants to reduce foreigners coming into Canada (CTV/Nanos)
Two in 5 Canadians say the top priority should be cutting back on the number of permanent immigrants coming to Canada if a government wanted to reduce the number of foreigners coming into Canada over cutting back on student visas or temporary foreign workers. Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame…
Conservatives lead Liberals by 17 points – Liberal and NDP support within the margin of error for the Nanos tracking (Nanos)
Nanos tracks unprompted issues of concern every week. To access full weekly national and regional tracking visit the Nanos subscriber data portal. As Canadians continue to be concerned about economic issues, the Conservatives have opened up a 17 point advantage over the Liberals. The gap between the Liberals and the…