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Conservatives lead by 15 points – Concern about housing on the upswing (Nanos)

Nanos tracks unprompted issues of concern every week. To access full weekly national and regional tracking visit the Nanos subscriber data portal. Conservatives currently enjoy a 15-point advantage over the Liberals in the ballot tracking. Poilievre has a 14-point lead over Trudeau as the preferred Prime Minister.  In the weekly issue tracking concern about housing… Continue Reading Conservatives lead by 15 points – Concern about housing on the upswing (Nanos)

Federal Ballot: Conservatives 35, Liberals 29, NDP 22, BQ 7, Greens 5, PPC 2 (Nanos)

Nanos tracks unprompted issues of concern every week. To access full weekly national and regional tracking visit the Nanos subscriber data portal. Conservatives currently enjoy a six-point advantage over the Liberals in the Nanos ballot tracking. Poilievre pulling ahead of Trudeau as preferred prime minister. – Nik Nanos The Weekly Nanos Tracking is produced by… Continue Reading Federal Ballot: Conservatives 35, Liberals 29, NDP 22, BQ 7, Greens 5, PPC 2 (Nanos)

Canadians most worried about jobs/the economy, healthcare, the environment and inflation (Nanos)

Nanos tracks unprompted issues of concern every week and is uniquely positioned to monitor the trajectory of opinion on Covid-19. This first was on the Nanos radar the week of January 24, 2020.  To access full weekly national and regional tracking visit the Nanos subscriber data portal. Economic related issues, as a bundle, are the… Continue Reading Canadians most worried about jobs/the economy, healthcare, the environment and inflation (Nanos)

Conservatives open seven point advantage over Liberals (Nanos)

Nanos tracks unprompted issues of concern every week and is uniquely positioned to monitor the trajectory of opinion on Covid-19. This first was on the Nanos radar the week of January 24, 2020.  To access full weekly national and regional tracking visit the Nanos subscriber data portal. The federal Conservatives are opening up a noticeable… Continue Reading Conservatives open seven point advantage over Liberals (Nanos)

2022 Reports

2022 REPORTS‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬     2023-01-03 Healthcare pulling ahead as top issue of concern (Nanos) 2022-12-29 Health and inflation top issues of concern (Nanos) 2022-12-28 Strong majority of Canadians would support or somewhat support the federal government in the creation of a foreign agent registry (Globe and Mail/Nanos) 2022-12-28 When it comes to top priorities for… Continue Reading 2022 Reports

2021 Reports

2021 REPORTS‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬   2021-12-29 Coronavirus concern among Canadians spikes with Omicron outbreak (Nanos) 2021-12-29 Forward pessimistic view continues to erode – hits a 13 month low (Bloomberg/Nanos) 2021-12-21 Strong majority of Alberta residents say they would be more likely to support a provincial government in Alberta if it created a park or protected wilderness in… Continue Reading 2021 Reports


LATEST REPORTS‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬   2021-08-09 More than six in ten Canadians support or somewhat support Canada boycotting the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics due to tensions with China (CTV/Nanos) 2021-08-05 Three in four Canadians support or somewhat support mandatory vaccinations for Canadians who can be vaccinated to help control the spread of new COVID-19 variants (CTV/Nanos) 2021-08-05… Continue Reading Reports