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Canadians tilt toward non-partisanship on energy decisions; Academics and industry experts top list ...

The research gauged public perceptions and opinions regarding the balance between political influence and expert advice in policy decisions, the role of various sources in informing these decisions, and the role of oil and gas in Canada’s current and future economy. It explored views on expanding oil and gas exports for global energy security and… Continue Reading Canadians tilt toward non-partisanship on energy decisions; Academics and industry experts top list to inform decision-making (Positive Energy/Nanos)

Two in three Canadians say Canada should accept fewer immigrants in 2025 than in 2024 (CTV News/Nan...

Asked if Canada should accept more, about the same, or fewer immigrants, two in three Canadians (64%) say Canada should accept fewer immigrants in 2025 than the government’s current aim of 485,000 immigrants in 2024. One in four (26%) say Canada should accept about the same number of immigrants, and five per cent say it… Continue Reading Two in three Canadians say Canada should accept fewer immigrants in 2025 than in 2024 (CTV News/Nanos)

Conservatives 42, Liberals 25, NDP 21 Jobs/economy and inflation top concerns (Nanos)

Nanos tracks unprompted issues of concern every week. To access full weekly national and regional tracking visit the Nanos subscriber data portal. The Conservative Party continues to have a 17-point advantage over the Liberals with the NDP trailing the Liberals.  Concern about jobs/the economy and inflation showing upward movement. – Nik Nanos The Weekly Nanos Tracking… Continue Reading Conservatives 42, Liberals 25, NDP 21 Jobs/economy and inflation top concerns (Nanos)

Consumer confidence hits 29 month high on easing of interest rates (Bloomberg/Nanos)

Canadian consumer confidence hit a 29-month high – largely on more positive views on the future strength of the Canadian economy.  Sentiment is in the context of a broader environment of interest rates easing. -Nik Nanos, Chief Data Scientist Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) telephone random survey of 1,059 respondents in… Continue Reading Consumer confidence hits 29 month high on easing of interest rates (Bloomberg/Nanos)

One in three Canadians are worried or somewhat worried about paying for housing costs next month – w

One in three Canadians say they are worried (14%) or somewhat worried (19%) about paying next month’s housing costs, whereas almost two in three Canadians say they are somewhat not worried (10%) or not worried (55%). Canadians aged 55 and over (20%) are less likely to worry or somewhat worry about next month’s housing cost… Continue Reading One in three Canadians are worried or somewhat worried about paying for housing costs next month – worry for younger Canadians jumps to one half (Nanos)

Conservatives 42, Liberals 25, NDP 22 > Canadians most concerned about jobs/the economy and inflatio...

Nanos tracks unprompted issues of concern every week. To access full weekly national and regional tracking visit the Nanos subscriber data portal. The Conservatives maintain a comfortable lead over the Liberals while support for the NDP trending up in the wake of the end of the parliamentary arrangement supporting the Liberals. – Nik Nanos The Weekly… Continue Reading Conservatives 42, Liberals 25, NDP 22 > Canadians most concerned about jobs/the economy and inflation (Nanos)

People over four times more likely to think the value of real estate will increase rather than decre...

Consumer confidence remains in net positive territory as Canadians are more than four times more likely to think the value of real estate will increase rather than decrease in the next six months. -Nik Nanos, Chief Data Scientist Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) telephone random survey of 1,093 respondents in Canada.… Continue Reading People over four times more likely to think the value of real estate will increase rather than decrease (Bloomberg/Nanos)

Canadians expect more emergencies and want more action on disaster response and disaster relief (DMG...

The research gauged the opinions among Canadians on extreme weather events, power disruptions, and natural disasters, including the likely change in their occurrence going forward and the country’s level of preparedness. Respondents were asked their thoughts on government funding for emergency preparedness and the potential creation of a national disaster response agency. Survey participants were… Continue Reading Canadians expect more emergencies and want more action on disaster response and disaster relief (DMG Events/Nanos)

Nanos Weekly Ballot Tracking: Conservatives 39, Liberals 27, NDP 21 (Nanos)

Nanos tracks unprompted issues of concern every week. To access full weekly national and regional tracking visit the Nanos subscriber data portal. Conservatives continue to have a double digit lead over the Liberals while Canadians remain focused on jobs/the economy and inflation as top national issues of concern. – Nik Nanos The Weekly Nanos Tracking is… Continue Reading Nanos Weekly Ballot Tracking: Conservatives 39, Liberals 27, NDP 21 (Nanos)

Consumer confidence hits a two-year high concurrent with rate cut announcement (Bloomberg/Nanos)

Consumer confidence has hit a numeric score not seen since May 2022.  This weekly tracking score has occurred concurrently with a cut in interest rates from Canada’s central bank. -Nik Nanos, Chief Data Scientist Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) telephone random survey of 1,120 respondents in Canada. This report is based… Continue Reading Consumer confidence hits a two-year high concurrent with rate cut announcement (Bloomberg/Nanos)