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Poilievre ahead of Trudeau by 15 points on preferred Prime Minister tracking. (Nanos)

Nanos tracks unprompted issues of concern every week. To access full weekly national and regional tracking visit the Nanos subscriber data portal. Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre enjoys a comfortable 15 point advantage over Liberal Justin Trudeau on the Nanos weekly preferred Prime Minister tracking. – Nik Nanos The Weekly Nanos Tracking is produced by the Nanos… Continue Reading Poilievre ahead of Trudeau by 15 points on preferred Prime Minister tracking. (Nanos)

Conservatives ahead of Liberals by 20 points – Poilievre hits new high as preferred Prime Minister (

Nanos tracks unprompted issues of concern every week. To access full weekly national and regional tracking visit the Nanos subscriber data portal. The Conservatives, federally, continue to enjoy a comfortable advantage of 20 percentage points over the Liberals.  In the post federal budget period, Conservative leader Poilievre hits a new high. – Nik Nanos The… Continue Reading Conservatives ahead of Liberals by 20 points – Poilievre hits new high as preferred Prime Minister (Nanos)

Poilievre hits new 10 year high on preferred Prime Minister tracking compared to any previous Conser...

Nanos tracks unprompted issues of concern every week. To access full weekly national and regional tracking visit the Nanos subscriber data portal. Pierre Poilievre is the top choice as prime minister and hit a level not reached by any Conservative leader since 2013. Conservatives remain in vote intention drivers seat. – Nik Nanos The Weekly… Continue Reading Poilievre hits new 10 year high on preferred Prime Minister tracking compared to any previous Conservative leader (Nanos)

Poilievre opens up 15 point lead over Trudeau on preferred Prime Minister tracking (Nanos)

Nanos tracks unprompted issues of concern every week. To access full weekly national and regional tracking visit the Nanos subscriber data portal. Poilievre has hit a 10 year high for any Conservative Party leader on the preferred PM tracking and now has a 15 point advantage over Trudeau. – Nik Nanos The Weekly Nanos Tracking… Continue Reading Poilievre opens up 15 point lead over Trudeau on preferred Prime Minister tracking (Nanos)

Trudeau hits new low in preferred Prime Minister tracking (Nanos)

Nanos tracks unprompted issues of concern every week. To access full weekly national and regional tracking visit the Nanos subscriber data portal. Justin Trudeau trails Pierre Poilievre by 14 points on the preferred PM tracking. Of note, this week is his lowest score since assuming the leadership in 2013. – Nik Nanos The Weekly Nanos… Continue Reading Trudeau hits new low in preferred Prime Minister tracking (Nanos)

Poilievre hits high while Trudeau hits low in preferred Prime Minister tracking (Nanos)

Nanos tracks unprompted issues of concern every week. To access full weekly national and regional tracking visit the Nanos subscriber data portal. Poilievre continues to hit new highs as a Conservative party leader in the preferred PM tracking (34) while Trudeau has hit a low not seen since before the 2015 election. – Nik Nanos… Continue Reading Poilievre hits high while Trudeau hits low in preferred Prime Minister tracking (Nanos)

Trudeau at eight year low in preferred Prime Minister tracking while Poilievre at eight year high fo...

Nanos tracks unprompted issues of concern every week. To access full weekly national and regional tracking visit the Nanos subscriber data portal. Inflation pulling ahead of all other issues. Trudeau at eight year low on preferred PM tracking. Poilievre at eight year high for a Conservative Party leader in tracking. – Nik Nanos The Weekly… Continue Reading Trudeau at eight year low in preferred Prime Minister tracking while Poilievre at eight year high for a Conservative leader. (Nanos)

Poilievre 29, Trudeau 26, Singh 18 on preferred Prime Minister tracking (Nanos)

Nanos tracks unprompted issues of concern every week. To access full weekly national and regional tracking visit the Nanos subscriber data portal. Poilievre and Trudeau are the top choices as PM with almost one in five unsure who they would prefer. The environment remains numerically the top national issue of concern followed by inflation and… Continue Reading Poilievre 29, Trudeau 26, Singh 18 on preferred Prime Minister tracking (Nanos)

Dead heat on preferred Prime Minister tracking (Nanos)

Nanos tracks unprompted issues of concern every week. To access full weekly national and regional tracking visit the Nanos subscriber data portal. Currently, Trudeau and Poilievre are in a dead heat when it comes to who Canadians prefer as prime minister. Jobs/the economy, inflation, environment and healthcare top issues. – Nik Nanos The Weekly Nanos… Continue Reading Dead heat on preferred Prime Minister tracking (Nanos)

Poilievre and Trudeau in a close race for preferred Prime Minister – Jobs and inflation trending up

Nanos tracks unprompted issues of concern every week and is uniquely positioned to monitor the trajectory of opinion on Covid-19. This first was on the Nanos radar the week of January 24, 2020.  To access full weekly national and regional tracking visit the Nanos subscriber data portal. Poilievre and Trudeau remain gripped in a close… Continue Reading Poilievre and Trudeau in a close race for preferred Prime Minister – Jobs and inflation trending up (Nanos)