Making the healthcare system stronger is two and a half times more important as a priority for the upcoming federal budget than reducing the deficit (Globe and Mail/Nanos)

Making the healthcare system stronger is two and a half times more important as a priority for the upcoming federal budget than reducing the deficit (Globe and Mail/Nanos)

Mar 13, 2023

When asked to rank the top two areas they would like to see made a priority for the upcoming federal budget, the option most often ranked first was making our healthcare system stronger (49%), followed by reducing the deficit (19%), fighting climate change (17%), investing in infrastructure (6%) and creating…

Satisfaction with Canada as a country continues to decline – Universities and health system seen as top contributors to Canada being a better country, political institutions rated lowest. (Nanos)

Satisfaction with Canada as a country continues to decline – Universities and health system seen as top contributors to Canada being a better country, political institutions rated lowest. (Nanos)

Mar 13, 2023

About two in three Canadians say they are satisfied (64%) with Canada as a country (mean score of 6.6 out of 10), which is a decrease compared to 2021 (mean of 7.2). Younger Canadians (18-34) report the lowest level of satisfaction (mean of 5.8) with Canada as a country compared…

Increasing immigration more likely to be seen as a positive rather than a negative on the economy. Most popular preference is to keep immigration to 2023 levels. (Bloomberg/Nanos)

Increasing immigration more likely to be seen as a positive rather than a negative on the economy. Most popular preference is to keep immigration to 2023 levels. (Bloomberg/Nanos)

Mar 9, 2023

Just under half of Canadians (46%) think that Canada should accept about the same number of immigrants as permanent residents in 2023, which is an increase of 10 percentage points since November 2020. Around one in three Canadians (34%) say that Canada should accept fewer than 340,000 immigrants, which has…

People are two times more likely to say Canada is heading in the right versus the wrong direction on making sure economic policies provide equal opportunities to all. (Coalition for a Better Future/Nanos)

People are two times more likely to say Canada is heading in the right versus the wrong direction on making sure economic policies provide equal opportunities to all. (Coalition for a Better Future/Nanos)

Mar 7, 2023

Canadians are twice as likely to say Canada is moving in the right direction rather than the wrong direction in terms of making sure economic policies provide equal opportunities to Canadians and are more likely to say it is heading in the wrong direction on making sure Canadians have a…

Most Canadians are concerned or somewhat concerned about Chinese interference in Canadian society; seven in ten view it as a major threat to our democracy (CTV/Nanos)

Most Canadians are concerned or somewhat concerned about Chinese interference in Canadian society; seven in ten view it as a major threat to our democracy (CTV/Nanos)

Mar 3, 2023

Over nine in ten Canadians are concerned (59%) or somewhat concerned (32%) about China’s interference in Canadian society. Older Canadians (68% concerned, 27% somewhat concerned) show a higher intensity of concern than younger Canadians (43% concerned, 44% somewhat concerned). Nearly all Canadians agree that the organized Chinese-government effort to interfere…

A majority of Canadians are in agreement that those diagnosed with a serious incurable disease should be allowed to express an advance wish for MAID (The Globe and Mail/Nanos)

A majority of Canadians are in agreement that those diagnosed with a serious incurable disease should be allowed to express an advance wish for MAID (The Globe and Mail/Nanos)

Feb 22, 2023

Over eight in ten Canadians agree or somewhat agree that Canadians who have been diagnosed with a serious incurable disease should be allowed to express an advance wish for MAID ahead of the time they are no longer able to give legal consent. Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land-…

Homeless person sleeping on street

The proportion of Canadians worried or somewhat worried about paying housing costs has increased nine points since 2021, concern is highest among younger Canadians. (CAEH/Nanos)

Feb 14, 2023

Nearly one-quarter of Canadians are worried (eight per cent) or somewhat worried (16%) about paying their housing costs next month which is a nine-point increase compared to 2021 (five per cent worried, 10% somewhat worried). Nearly one-third of younger Canadians report some level of worry (13% worried, 18% somewhat worried).…

Majority reports that if interest rates stay around the current rate of 4.5% in 2023, it will have a negative or somewhat negative impact on their personal finances (Bloomberg/Nanos)

Majority reports that if interest rates stay around the current rate of 4.5% in 2023, it will have a negative or somewhat negative impact on their personal finances (Bloomberg/Nanos)

Feb 13, 2023

Canadians are over four times more likely to say that that if interest rates stay around the current rate of 4.5% in 2023, it will have a negative (32%) or somewhat negative impact (27%) rather than a positive (5%) or somewhat positive (nine per cent) impact on their personal finances.…

About six in ten Canadians continue to be not comfortable or somewhat not comfortable with having more private health care options in Canada that allow people to pay more to have shorter wait times intensity of those who are outright not comfortable up (CTV/Nanos)

About six in ten Canadians continue to be not comfortable or somewhat not comfortable with having more private health care options in Canada that allow people to pay more to have shorter wait times intensity of those who are outright not comfortable up (CTV/Nanos)

Feb 6, 2023

Similar to 2021, Canadians are more likely to say they are not comfortable (38%) or somewhat not comfortable (18%) having more private health care options than comfortable (23%) or somewhat comfortable (19%). There was however an increase in intensity of those who are outright uncomfortable and a decrease in those…