The research gauged the opinions among Canadians on the timing of the next federal election in Canada. Participants were asked when they would prefer the next federal election to be held. Additionally, respondents were questioned on their stance toward opposition parties voting in favor of a motion in Parliament that would force an immediate federal… Continue Reading Canadians more likely to prefer having the next federal election in 2025 and oppose forcing an election immediately (Bloomberg/Nanos)
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Category: Politics
Feelings of pessimism decline but remain top emotion felt by Canadians toward the federal government...
Although feelings of pessimism remain the top emotion felt by Canadians when it comes to the federal government in Ottawa, the proportion has declined 7 points compared to the previous wave conducted in July 2024, from 40 per cent down to 33 per cent. Close to one third of Canadians continue to feel anger toward… Continue Reading Feelings of pessimism decline but remain top emotion felt by Canadians toward the federal government. (Nanos)
The Conservative Party has the edge on trust to support the economy; Canadians are divided between t...
The research gauged trust in federal parties on issues related to economic growth and affordable housing, views on inflation and personal finances, and views on the top priority group for new government spending. Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land-and cell-lines) hybrid telephone and online random survey of 1,058 Canadians, 18 years of age or… Continue Reading The Conservative Party has the edge on trust to support the economy; Canadians are divided between trust in CPC or NDP on affordable housing (Globe and Mail/Nanos)
Trudeau marginally more trusted than Poilievre to deal with the outcome of the upcoming US President...
Canadians are marginally more likely to trust Justin Trudeau than Pierre Poilievre to deal with the outcome of the upcoming US presidential election. Women are more likely to trust Justin Trudeau (45%) than men (31%). Residents of the Prairies are more likely to trust Pierre Poilievre (44%) than the national average (31%). Nanos conducted an… Continue Reading Trudeau marginally more trusted than Poilievre to deal with the outcome of the upcoming US Presidential election. (CTV News/Nanos)
Canadians are divided but marginally more likely to support or somewhat support Liberals and NDP con...
Nanos was retained by the Globe and Mail to conduct research among Canadians to gauge their views on the potential continuation of collaboration between the Liberal Party and the NDP in the House of Commons into 2025 and found that Canadians are divided but marginally more likely to support or somewhat support Liberals and NDP… Continue Reading Canadians are divided but marginally more likely to support or somewhat support Liberals and NDP continuing to work together to avoid an early election. (Globe and Mail/Nanos)
Democrats go from trailing to leading on chances of victory in Presidential race with Harris candida...
Canadians are more likely believe that Kamala Harris will win the next U.S presidential election (51%) than Donald Trump (34%); a sharp increase compared to previous wave of research where close to one in four Canadians thought Joe Biden was most likely to win (27%; Trump: 38%). Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and… Continue Reading Democrats go from trailing to leading on chances of victory in Presidential race with Harris candidacy according to Canadians (Bloomberg/Nanos)
Poilievre and Trudeau tied in perception of who can best manage Canada-US relationship (Bloomberg/Na...
One in three Canadians believe that either Pierre Poilievre (33%) or Justin Trudeau (31%) would be the best choice for a federal party leader in terms of having a positive relationship between Canada and the United States, while 13 per cent each say none of them or they are unsure. Nanos conducted an RDD dual… Continue Reading Poilievre and Trudeau tied in perception of who can best manage Canada-US relationship (Bloomberg/Nanos)
New Brunswick’s Progressive Conservatives and Liberals in dead heat (Nanos)
“New Brunswick has PC-Liberal dead heat in provincial party support. Concern about healthcare top provincial issue but worry about cost of living and housing on the rise.” – Nik Nanos, Chief Data Scientist Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) hybrid telephone and online random survey of 447 residents of New Brunswick, 18… Continue Reading New Brunswick’s Progressive Conservatives and Liberals in dead heat (Nanos)
People split on concern over the personal safety of federal party leaders; support for increasing ta...
While one in two Canadians report being concerned (12%) or somewhat concerned (38%) about the personal safety of Canada’s federal party leaders, just under one in two report being unconcerned (27%) or somewhat unconcerned (21%). Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) hybrid telephone and online random survey of 1,035 Canadians, 18 years… Continue Reading People split on concern over the personal safety of federal party leaders; support for increasing taxpayer dollars for personal security of federal party leaders is also divided. (CTV News/Nanos)
Canadians more likely to believe appointing Carney as Finance Minister would strengthen, rather than...
Nanos Research was retained by the Globe and Mail to conduct research among Canadians to gauge their impressions of Liberal political figures and potential Liberal Party leaders, as well as the potential impact on the federal election if Mark Carney was appointed as Finance Minister. Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) hybrid… Continue Reading Canadians more likely to believe appointing Carney as Finance Minister would strengthen, rather than weaken the Liberal Party’s election chances > Many say there would be no impact (Globe and Mail/Nanos)