Consumer confidence remains in positive territory. Of note, consumer confidence in Ontario, a keystone province in Canada’s economy has hit a 30-month high. -Nik Nanos, Chief Data Scientist Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) telephone random survey of 1,039 respondents in Canada. This report is based on the four waves of tracking… Continue Reading Ontario hits a new 30-month high in consumer confidence (Bloomberg/Nanos)
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Category: Issues of concern
Consumer confidence continues to trend upward. The forward-looking Expectations Sub-indice has hit a...
After setting a new 30-month positive high last week, Canadian consumer confidence continues to trend in positive territory. Forward looking perceptions are at a positive level not seen since April of 2022. -Nik Nanos, Chief Data Scientist Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) telephone random survey of 1,047 respondents in Canada. This… Continue Reading Consumer confidence continues to trend upward. The forward-looking Expectations Sub-indice has hit a high not registered since April of 2022 (Bloomberg/Nanos)
Majority of Canadians think short-term rentals have negative impacts and support limiting commercial...
A majority of Canadians think short-term rental properties have a negative or somewhat negative impact on housing availability (23% somewhat negative; 51% negative) and rent prices (27% somewhat negative; 44% negative) in Canada. Just over one in two each think there is no impact on housing availability (12%) or rent prices (13%), and less than… Continue Reading Majority of Canadians think short-term rentals have negative impacts and support limiting commercial short-term rentals. (Hotel Association of Canada/Nanos)
Consumer confidence hits 30 month high (Bloomberg/Nanos)
Canadian consumer confidence has hit a new 30 month high. Sentiment is tracking upward on both the future-looking Expectations Sub-indice and the Pocketbook Sub-indice. Assuming past predictive performance continues, this suggest positive GDP movement in the first quarter of 2025. -Nik Nanos, Chief Data Scientist Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) telephone… Continue Reading Consumer confidence hits 30 month high (Bloomberg/Nanos)
Canadians more than three times more likely to believe real estate will increase rather than decreas...
Canadian consumer confidence continues to track in positive territory, largely driven by positive views on the future value of real estate. -Nik Nanos, Chief Data Scientist Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) telephone random survey of 1,010 respondents in Canada. This report is based on the four waves of tracking ending October… Continue Reading Canadians more than three times more likely to believe real estate will increase rather than decrease in value (Bloomberg/Nanos)
Consumer confidence remains in positive territory with views on future strength of economy up in pas...
Canadian consumer confidence continues to trend above 50 points on the diffusion index. Based on the projective power of the data the first quarter of 2025 is expected to be positive setting aside an exogenous event. -Nik Nanos, Chief Data Scientist Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) telephone random survey of 1,010… Continue Reading Consumer confidence remains in positive territory with views on future strength of economy up in past four weeks (Bloomberg/Nanos)
Positive views on the future strength of the economy up a significant six points in four weeks (Bloo...
Canadian consumer confidence remains net positive largely driven on more favourable views on the future strength of the Canadians economy. This key measure is up a significant six points over the past four weeks as interest rates ease. -Nik Nanos, Chief Data Scientist Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) telephone random survey… Continue Reading Positive views on the future strength of the economy up a significant six points in four weeks (Bloomberg/Nanos)
Consumer confidence hits 29 month high on easing of interest rates (Bloomberg/Nanos)
Canadian consumer confidence hit a 29-month high – largely on more positive views on the future strength of the Canadian economy. Sentiment is in the context of a broader environment of interest rates easing. -Nik Nanos, Chief Data Scientist Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) telephone random survey of 1,059 respondents in… Continue Reading Consumer confidence hits 29 month high on easing of interest rates (Bloomberg/Nanos)
One in three Canadians are worried or somewhat worried about paying for housing costs next month – w
One in three Canadians say they are worried (14%) or somewhat worried (19%) about paying next month’s housing costs, whereas almost two in three Canadians say they are somewhat not worried (10%) or not worried (55%). Canadians aged 55 and over (20%) are less likely to worry or somewhat worry about next month’s housing cost… Continue Reading One in three Canadians are worried or somewhat worried about paying for housing costs next month – worry for younger Canadians jumps to one half (Nanos)
People over four times more likely to think the value of real estate will increase rather than decre...
Consumer confidence remains in net positive territory as Canadians are more than four times more likely to think the value of real estate will increase rather than decrease in the next six months. -Nik Nanos, Chief Data Scientist Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) telephone random survey of 1,093 respondents in Canada.… Continue Reading People over four times more likely to think the value of real estate will increase rather than decrease (Bloomberg/Nanos)