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Consumer confidence hits neutral in the opening week of 2025 (Bloomberg/Nanos)

After a decline in the period following the election of Donald Trump as President, Canadian consumer confidence remains in neutral for the opening of  2025. -Nik Nanos, Chief Data Scientist Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) telephone random survey of 1,001 respondents in Canada. This report is based on the four waves… Continue Reading Consumer confidence hits neutral in the opening week of 2025 (Bloomberg/Nanos)

Canadians prefer that the response to new U.S. tariffs be a joint effort between the federal and pro...

Asked who should lead the response to the proposed new U.S. tariff, Canadians prefer that both the federal and the provincial governments lead together (54%) as opposed to only the federal government (42%) or only the provincial governments (two per cent). Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) hybrid telephone and online random… Continue Reading Canadians prefer that the response to new U.S. tariffs be a joint effort between the federal and provincial governments. (CTV/Nanos)

GST break over four times more likely to have negative rather than positive impact on voting intenti...

While six in ten Canadians (60%) say the GST break will have no impact on their likelihood to vote Liberal in the next federal election, nearly one in three say it will make them less likely (28%) or somewhat less likely (four per cent). This is compared to under one in ten who say it… Continue Reading GST break over four times more likely to have negative rather than positive impact on voting intentions for Liberals – Most say they don’t expect the GST break to positively impact their finances. (CTV/Nanos)

Consumer confidence hovering around neutral as new year opens (Bloomberg/Nanos)

After being in positive territory, Canadian consumer confidence opens 2025 in neutral territory with a score near 50 points on the 100-point diffusion index which tracks economic sentiment. -Nik Nanos, Chief Data Scientist Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) telephone random survey of 1,021 respondents in Canada. This report is based on… Continue Reading Consumer confidence hovering around neutral as new year opens (Bloomberg/Nanos)

Consumer confidence closes out 2024 on a negative trajectory (Bloomberg/Nanos)

The closing week of 2024 had consumer confidence moving into negative territory for the first time this year. Negative sentiment on the future strength of the economy hit a two year high. -Nik Nanos, Chief Data Scientist Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) telephone random survey of 1,014 respondents in Canada. This… Continue Reading Consumer confidence closes out 2024 on a negative trajectory (Bloomberg/Nanos)

One in 20 Canadians say they are spending more this holiday season

Canadians are nine times more likely to say they will spend less this holiday season (48%) rather than more (five per cent) compared to last year, which has declined from December 2023 (54%) but remains higher than 2022 (43%). Over two in five Canadians say they will spend about the same (45%). There has been… Continue Reading One in 20 Canadians say they are spending more this holiday season

Consumer confidence on a negative trajectory. Negative views on the future strength of economy hits ...

Canadian consumer confidence continues to spiral on a negative trajectory with the forward view on the future strength of the Canadian economy hitting a two year high. -Nik Nanos, Chief Data Scientist Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) telephone random survey of 1,032 respondents in Canada. This report is based on the… Continue Reading Consumer confidence on a negative trajectory. Negative views on the future strength of economy hits a 2-year high (Bloomberg/Nanos)

Sputtering in Neutral: Consumer confidence hits neutral zone following US election period after a ye...

Consumer confidence in Canada continues to drop in the post US election period.  Of note, the proportion of people who feel the economy will get weaker in the next six months has hit a new two-year high. -Nik Nanos, Chief Data Scientist Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) telephone random survey of… Continue Reading Sputtering in Neutral: Consumer confidence hits neutral zone following US election period after a year of positivity (Bloomberg/Nanos)

Consumer Chill: People almost four times more likely to think economy will get weaker rather than st...

Canadian consumer confidence continues a downward trajectory in the wake of the US presidential election.  Of note, people are almost four times more likely to think the economy will get weaker rather than stronger in the next six months. -Nik Nanos, Chief Data Scientist Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) telephone random… Continue Reading Consumer Chill: People almost four times more likely to think economy will get weaker rather than stronger in next six months (Bloomberg/Nanos)

Consumer confidence sinking in wake of Trump election and tariff Tweet (Bloomberg/Nanos)

Consumer confidence has been on a noticeable decline in the wake of the US election and Trump promise to impose new tariffs on Canadian goods.  Positive views on the future strength of the Canadian economy has dropped from 26 to 13 percent in the past four weeks. -Nik Nanos, Chief Data Scientist Nanos conducted an… Continue Reading Consumer confidence sinking in wake of Trump election and tariff Tweet (Bloomberg/Nanos)