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Women and older Canadians more likely to report concern about the US increasing security measures at...

Canadians are marginally more likely to say they are not concerned or somewhat not concerned rather than concerned or somewhat concerned about the United States increasing security measures at the Canada-US border for Canadians wishing to visit the US. Women and older Canadians (55 plus)(51% each) are more likely to report being concerned or somewhat… Continue Reading Women and older Canadians more likely to report concern about the US increasing security measures at the border (CTV/Nanos)

Three in four Canadians think that relations between Canada and the US will worsen if Donald Trump i...

Three in 4 Canadians think relations between Canada and the US will be worse or somewhat worse if Donald Trump is elected to replace US President Joe Biden in the next US elections. Canadians aged 55 and plus are more likely to think they will be worse (62%) or somewhat worse (20%) than Canadians aged… Continue Reading Three in four Canadians think that relations between Canada and the US will worsen if Donald Trump is elected to replace US President Joe Biden in the next US elections. (CTV/Nanos)

Satisfaction with Canada as a country continues to decline – Universities and Colleges top positive

About one in two Canadians (52%) now say they are satisfied with Canada as a country (mean of 5.9 out of 10), which is a decrease compared to 2021 (74%, mean of 7.2). Younger Canadians (18-34) and men report the lowest level of satisfaction (mean of 5.3 and 5.4, respectively) with Canada as a country… Continue Reading Satisfaction with Canada as a country continues to decline – Universities and Colleges top positive contributor to Canada being a better country. (Nanos)

Conservatives ahead of Liberals by 15 points – Poilievre top choice as PM and hits a new high (Nanos

Nanos tracks unprompted issues of concern every week. To access full weekly national and regional tracking visit the Nanos subscriber data portal. The federal Conservatives currently enjoy a 15 point lead over the Liberals. Of note, CPC leader Pierre Poilievre is the top choice as Prime Minister and has hit a new high on this… Continue Reading Conservatives ahead of Liberals by 15 points – Poilievre top choice as PM and hits a new high (Nanos)

Will it be ‘perimeter North America’? China overtakes Mexico as point of focus for inspection of goo

Canadians and Americans agree that China is the greatest priority for inspecting goods (63% of Canadians, 53% of Americans). North Americans also chose Chinese visitors to be questioned most thoroughly, the highest percentage from both countries in all 18 years of tracking. Canadians say Chinese visitors should be questioned most thoroughly (65%), as Americans agree,… Continue Reading Will it be ‘perimeter North America’? China overtakes Mexico as point of focus for inspection of goods and visitors; highest percentage of North Americans choosing Chinese visitors to question in 18 years of tracking. (NPSIA/Nanos)

Public Awareness of Alcohol-related Harms Survey (Health Canada/Nanos)

Alcohol is a popular legal psychoactive substance that holds special social and cultural significance in Canada as in many parts of the world. Many Canadians associate drinking with pleasurable social events, such as music festivals, parties, watching sports, and/or to de-stress or to cope. Our society condones, supports, and in some cases promotes drinking such… Continue Reading Public Awareness of Alcohol-related Harms Survey (Health Canada/Nanos)

Stigma related to dementia in Canada (Public Health Agency of Canada/Nanos)

With a mandate to improve the health care, protect the health and prevent disease among Canadians, the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) retained Nanos Research to conduct public opinion research among Canadians related to stigma associated with dementia. Specifically, to conduct a national survey which examines Canadians’ knowledge of and attitudes towards dementia and… Continue Reading Stigma related to dementia in Canada (Public Health Agency of Canada/Nanos)

2022-2023 Official Language Minority Community (OLMC) Experiences with Canada Revenue Agency Progr...

Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) retained Nanos Research to conduct focus groups among official language minority community (OLMC) members in Canada. The purpose of the research is to consult with OLMCs with regards to their needs related to service and program delivery in their first official language as well as to develop targeted action plans to… Continue Reading 2022-2023 Official Language Minority Community (OLMC) Experiences with Canada Revenue Agency Programs and Services (Canada Revenue Agency/Nanos)

Canada Child Benefit Program: 2022-2023 Satisfaction Survey (Canada Revenue Agency/Nanos)

Canada Revenue Agency provides a number of benefit plans to Canadians which serve a vast array of purposes. In addition, the CRA recognizes the value of eliciting feedback from their clients and providing Canadians with a feedback platform to the CRA, as well as provide those benefit programs with data to help support continual improvement… Continue Reading Canada Child Benefit Program: 2022-2023 Satisfaction Survey (Canada Revenue Agency/Nanos)

Forward looking expectations sub-indice hits positive high not seen since May 2022. (Bloomberg/Nanos...

Overall consumer confidence continues to incrementally trend up in January.  Of note, the forward-looking Expectations Sub-indice has hit a high not seen since May 2022. -Nik Nanos, Chief Data Scientist Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) telephone random survey of 1,030 respondents in Canada. This report is based on the four waves… Continue Reading Forward looking expectations sub-indice hits positive high not seen since May 2022. (Bloomberg/Nanos)