The research gauged the opinions among Canadians on climate change, energy costs, and the balance between environmental protection and economic growth. It explores views on the timing of climate action, concerns about energy prices, confidence in various players to reduce emissions, and preferences for federal or provincial leadership in climate policy.

Canadians are split for the first time since tracking began on whether protecting the environment at the expense of the economy (46%, an all-time low) or growth and creating jobs at the expense of the environment (44%, an all-time high) should be the top priority. Right-leaning Canadians are much more likely to say economic growth and creating jobs should be the priority (72%) than those who say they are left-leaning (18%).

Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) hybrid telephone and online random survey of 1,010 Canadians, 18 years of age or older, between November 4th and November 6th, 2024, as part of an omnibus survey.

The margin of error for a random survey of 1,010 Canadians is ±3.1 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.

The research was commissioned by the University of Ottawa’s Positive Energy program and was conducted by Nanos Research.

To read the full report, click here.