The objective of the research was to gauge the views of Canadians on their support for a national energy corridor, including the construction of pipelines, despite environmental and Indigenous land concerns. Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) hybrid telephone and online random survey of 1,001 Canadians, 18 years of age or older,… Continue Reading Three quarters of Canadians support or somewhat support building a pipeline from Alberta to Eastern Canada. (CTV News/Nanos)
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Category: Indigenous
A strong majority of Canadians agree that laws around access to fisheries need to be enforced; most ...
After being informed that the Maritimes Indigenous population makes up about five per cent of the region’s population, about six in ten Canadians with an opinion (61%) say that the Government of Canada should give them between five to ten per cent of the fishery. One in three (33%) say they should be given more… Continue Reading A strong majority of Canadians agree that laws around access to fisheries need to be enforced; most say the Indigenous population should be given between five to ten per cent of the access to fisheries resource. (The Coalition of Atlantic and Québec Fishing Organizations/Nanos Research)