In the past year, half of culture-goers report attending an exhibit or performance at a cultural organization for the first time, where they didn’t have previous familiarity or experience with that cultural organization. Most said their experience was positive. The Arts Response Tracking Study is a regular monitor of the environment in the arts and… Continue Reading A strong majority of culture-goers who attended an exhibit or performance for the first time say it was a positive experience (Business / Arts and the NAC, Nanos)
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Category: Arts and Culture
Arts and cultural organizations continue to have about one tenth of the share of charitable giving a...
Consistent with 2023, culture-goers who report donating say that arts and culture organizations receive about an average of $12 out of $100 of their charitable giving ($11 in October 2023), while on average $88 out of $100 of charitable giving goes to other causes and events such as health, social and community services, etc. Nanos… Continue Reading Arts and cultural organizations continue to have about one tenth of the share of charitable giving among culture-goers – Expected donations for 2024 are about 12 per cent higher than in 2022. (B/A, NAC, Nanos Research)
Nearly two thirds of culture-goers say attending arts and cultural events has a positive or a somewh...
Close to two in three culture-goers say that attending arts and cultural events has a positive (30%) or somewhat positive (33%) impact on their sense of belonging to Canada, and just under one in three think it has no impact (30%). Under one in ten say it has a negative or somewhat negative impact (2%… Continue Reading Nearly two thirds of culture-goers say attending arts and cultural events has a positive or a somewhat positive on their sense of belonging to Canada (Business/Arts, NAC and Nanos Research)