Welcome to the Nanos live data portal page. Here, you can access Nanos data in addition to Data Dive articles written by Nik Nanos and view our analysis on our YouTube channel.
Help make better evidence-based decisions by subscribing to the Nanos Data Portal. You get access to weekly and long-term interactive data. Unlimited access to the Nanos data portals will be $60 a year ($5 a month). Our subscriber data portal now has greater functionality, integrated user experience and more data, now you can search and call up thousands of trendlines.
Please note that with the $60 subscription you can view the data in table format.
For a detailed look at all of the data included in the Data portals (including the questions asked), click here.
Interested? Sign Up Now HERE.
Once you register as a Nanos Data Portal Subscriber you will be redirected to pay for your one-year subscription.
If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]