Ballot – The latest Nanos federal ballot tracking has the Conservatives at 35.5 per cent, followed by the Liberals at 32.6 per cent, the NDP at 19.9 percent, the BQ at 3.2 per cent, the Greens at 7.7 per cent and the People’s Party of Canada (PPC) at 0.5 per cent.
Accessible Voters – Asked whether they would consider voting for each of the federal parties, 47.2 per cent of Canadians say they would consider voting Liberal while 46.3 per cent would consider voting Conservative. Four in ten (39.6%) would consider voting NDP, 31.8 per cent would consider voting Green, 10.0 per cent would consider voting for the People’s Party and 26.5 per cent would consider voting for the BQ.
Preferred Prime Minister – Nanos tracking has Trudeau as the preferred choice as PM at 30.3 per cent of Canadians followed by Scheer (27.3%), Singh (8.9%), May (7.2%) and Bernier (2.8%). Twenty two per cent of Canadians were unsure whom they preferred.
Qualities of a Good Political Leader – Few than half of Canadians (46.9%) believe Trudeau has the qualities of a good political leader while 41.1 per cent believe Scheer has the qualities of a good political leader. Three in ten (30.8%) say Jagmeet Singh has the qualities of a good political leader, while 36.4 per cent believe the same about May. One in six (18.4%) believe Bernier has the qualities of a good political leader 25.7 per cent said Blanchet has the qualities of a good political leader (QC only).
Nanos Party Power Index – The Nanos Index which is a composite of a series of measures including ballot and leadership impressions has the Conservatives 52.1 points, the Liberals with 51.9 points, the NDP 42.5 points, the Greens 37.2 points, the People’s Party 27.7 points and the BQ 32.7 points (QC only).
Visit the live Nanos data portal where you can dynamically chart ballot, preferred PM and Nanos Index numbers by region, gender and age. The methodology for the weekly tracking is posted here. PDFs of the polling reports are on the Nanos website.